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Bonnie Goodwin
Pain Relief thru Cupping Sue Myers is an experienced massage therapist that is able to utilize multiple modalities depending on the problem. Her skill in modern Ace Cupping is amazing. She was able to totally release my hip in one session. Ace Cupping gives pain relief without the discomfort of neuromuscular massage. I have also found cupping to be a great treatment for muscle discomfort from computer posture. Try it once and you will be a regular customer.
Great Massage/ Great Cupping The biggest problem I have experienced with aging is stiffness of my muscles especially in my shoulders and neck. Sue's massage and cupping greatly helped my discomfort. It moved stuck muscle tissue that was restricting my movement and causing pain. Sue's price is low compared to the benefits received from a massage.
Relief and Recovery Neck surgery was my only option after trying to avoid it for years with other treatments. Sue has been vital in my road to recovery with personally tailored massages, using many different techniques to relieve my neck and back muscles that have been tight for years! I highly recommend Sue!